Boudoir Beware! Why Boudoir is ALL WRONG For You!
Posted by: Kerri Cipriani 3 years ago
Warning Sirens!

Warning! Before you get too excited about a boudoir photo shoot, you should make sure it is the right thing for you! The kind of amazing, life-changing experience you have with us just isn’t a good fit for some people! There are things we must bring to your attention! Great big flashing warning signs, and red flags as big as a yacht sail! The kind of warning signs that keep you from falling to excessive cuddliness with a bunch of puppies! The kind of red flags like Mark being too emotionally available on ‘Love is Blind’!
Like, seriously, you should definitely pay attention. We might save you from having the time of your life.
Every adventure has some thresholds people might not be comfortable crossing at first. My husband helps people get over their fear of skydiving- we know about these things. And there are a few really common fears and trepidations that many women have before a boudoir shoot. So, we want to address three of the most common here. Because, truthfully, boudoir may not be for everyone. And since creating a comfortable, safe and empowering environment is all part of our mission, we want to make sure we talk about these things before you come in.
The CDC recommends that you read the following warning label in full before deciding to reach out for a consultation. The CDC may change that guidance in like, twenty minutes, so you should probably read quickly.
You Should NOT Do Boudoir If You Don’t Have The Confidence

Wouldn’t it be, just, a disaster if you showed up to a boudoir photo shoot a little nervous about how it was going to go? And wouldn’t it be the absolute end of the world if as the shoot went on you started to discover an inner beauty? Can you even imagine how crushing it would be if you left the shoot feeling even more confident in yourself?! How abysmal- yes, abysmal!- would it be to walk away from the shoot feeling more comfortable in your own skin, and proud of your own, individual beauty? Wouldn’t that be just terrible?
See, this is why boudoir isn’t for everyone. When we first start working with our clients, there can be nerves. Some of those nerves come from being unfamiliar with how to pose for photos. Some of those nerves come from being excited! And some of the nerves come from not being really sure about their personal vibrancy.
At Boudoir by Cipriani, we work through ALL of those nerves with you. We teach you to pose. We help you find your inner beauty; your truest, most sexy self. We even work through those excited nerves with you! Yes, we promise, we will get through the excitement together. Somehow, we will manage, as a team. You will not be alone in your excitement. We’ll be right there with you.
By the end, almost all of our clients walk away walking taller. Feeling more alive and vivacious. They feel more empowered. Assured. Confident.
Our Reviews Will Tell You How TERRIBLY Confident You End Up Feeling
Look, we don’t really need to warn you about this. Our testimonials say it all. The star ratings say it all. You are almost certainly going to stroll through our doors feeling one way about yourself, and sashay out on clouds. The sort of transformative experience that happens in our studio is unlike anything else.
There is something powerful about a boudoir session. Uniquely so. Our mission far and above all other considerations is to draw out from you a hidden confidence you may not have known you had. It’s already in there! We promise! Sometimes it just needs a little encouragement. And we go slow. We respect boundaries. But trust the results. There is an inner reserve of confidence and vivacity in you that you may not even be aware of.
The takeaway here: everyone is confident enough to do boudoir. All you need is the confidence to show up. We’re going to take care of the rest. We’re going to make you feel more vibrantly beautiful than you have ever felt before.
But, hey, maybe that’s not your thing. If it isn’t: boudoir probably isn’t for you.

You Should NOT Do Boudoir If You Don’t Look Like a Supermodel
Sorry, we only work with professional supermodels at Boudoir by Cipriani. Like, the really super kind. There’s a very specific list of criteria that you have to adhere to and that we look for in potential clients. It’s a crazy, ultra intense vetting process. Now, we encourage everyone read through our list of required attributes, just please do not become discouraged if you find you don’t fit them. Okay, here we go.
Does the word ‘woman’ describe you? Do you want to do a boudoir shoot?
If you answered yes to these questions, congratulations! You’re EXACTLY the kind of stunning, cover girl, supermodel we are looking for! How excited are you to discover that you’ve passed our vetting process?! Bet you didn’t realize you were such a gorgeous individual all along. Or maybe you did, and if so, we love your moxie. If not- read on.
Here’s the thing. Every woman deserves to feel like a supermodel. And we believe every one can be. Actually, we believe every woman already is. That is a truly and sincerely held belief here at Boudoir by Cipriani. It is core to our mission. You are beautiful. Positively stunning. We wouldn’t want any other model in front of our lens. You’re perfect. Bette Davis. Valentina Schlee. You.

And DEFINITELY DON’T Do a Shoot If You Aren’t Looking For a Glitzy Escapade
Okay, so we’ve established that you are OUR kind of supermodel- but what about all that glamorous, backstage treatment?
Well, if you’re not in to having a makeup artist fawn all over you, boudoir may not be your thing. If you’re not the kind of gal who wants to sip champagne and have someone work on your hair, this probably isn’t for you. Does having a photographer tell you how awesome you are every twelve seconds sound just… awful? Yeah, boudoir- at least our brand of boudoir- probably isn’t the right place.

See, this is the thing. We’ve discussed in previous articles that when you invest in a boudoir session, you’re getting more than just a shoot and some photos. You’re getting an experience. An afternoon all about you, celebrating your beauty and your inner vibrancy. We’re going to put you into the makeup chair and treat you like an absolute star.
Of course, there are some pretty specific reasons why we do the hair and makeup ourselves. But at the end of the day, you’re going to feel like a debutante celebrity. And that’s the important part. How you feel. When you’re with us, you’re the leading lady, and our whole team is devoted to making sure you have the kind of experience befitting of a celebrity. That’s our commitment to you. It’s not to turn you into a supermodel. It’s to reveal the supermodel that you always have been to you. Wait til you see what our lens sees in you.
Finally: DON’T Do a Boudoir Shoot If You Can’t Afford It
Have you ever walked through the shopping district of some ritzy part of town and gotten that uncomfortable feeling that you don’t belong? Or, maybe, you thought it might be fun to go look at boats, just for the heck of it. But when you got to the marina, some salesman turned their nose up at you and informed you that you probably couldn’t afford it? Thanks. So now not only do you get denied a purely escapist afternoon, but you probably feel a little bad about yourself. Isn’t it stupid that some things have a prohibitive price tag?
Well, if you want the full superstar treatment, the whole boudoir enchilada, you better make sure you can afford it, first.
Okay, you know what, you’re probably catching on to the bit here. And money is a particularly sensitive issue for a lot of people right now. So, we’ll just cut to the punchline.
Yeah, you can afford this.
We’re not going to turn up our noses to you. And we’re not going to tell you don’t belong. The glitz and glam and the celebrity treatment we offer: we want everyone to experience that. Everyone should have a chance to do this. That includes you.
Okay, But For Real, There Is a Cost
Look, nothing worthwhile is free. Unfortunately. We wish it was! Can you imagine how awesome it would be if all the best sushi was available for you to grab and go and there was no funny business with cash? The best.
Editorial. There are plenty of free things that are absolutely worthwhile. Sunsets: free, completely worthwhile. Falling in love. Totally free, totally worthwhile. Spinning around in an open field like you’re Julie Andrews in ‘The Sound of Music.’ Free. Worth. While.
The point is, boudoir, like many other things, is a service, and there is a cost associated with that service. BUT! We don’t want that cost to be prohibitive, preventative or any other ‘pr-’ word that basically means ‘you can’t sit with us.’ This is something special that everyone should be able to do, so at Boudoir by Cipriani, we have a number of ways to make it financially accessible to you.
There are a few other articles on our site that detail how we can work within your budget, and we definitely recommend checking them out. A brief rundown though. If you cannot afford to pay in full prior to your shoot, we offer financing options that are zero interest. Further, we work with intermediaries like PayPal, which also have their own zero interest financing options. For real, there are a bunch of ways that we can make this easier on your purse. Just talk with us. We’ll find a way!

You Have Been Warned!
So there you have it. Three of the biggest warnings we have on whether boudoir is the right thing for you. We’re turning off the flashing lights and bringing down the red flags now. We think you get it.
Alright, here’s the punchline. Boudoir is for every woman who wants it. It’s a space to revel in, and celebrate, yourself. Because you deserve that. Truly, you do. It doesn’t matter how confident you feel. You’re confident enough. It doesn’t matter if you think you’re not a supermodel. Cause, you are.
Ready to learn more? Let’s chat!
Consider yourself warned, gorgeous.